Sunday, January 21, 2007

Stephen Spielberg

Swimming in the Sea of Arabia, off the Indian Ocean.

The Tomb of St. Thomas in Chennai. Thomas is said to have travelled to India after the Christ's resurrection.

Indian boys. I really like this photo, so I posted it. Good compositional symmetry, eh?

Drinking pure cocunut milk. Sweet and coconutty. Yum!

Well said and wise. Very wise.

On our tour bus in Bangalore with Lee and Dr. Wilson, our professor.

Nearly two weeks into our India adventure, and I'm posting for only the 2nd time due to Dr. Wilson's busy scheduling, travel, and general difficulty in finding internet cafes. We are certainly cramming lots into our time here! We have seen several Hindu Temples - yesterday's was built in the 600's, with lots of elaborate carvings and statues. The "Thousand Pillar Temple" is purported to have - you guessed it - a thousand stone pillars. But woe to the man (or woman!) who dares to count them, for he (she!) will become a pillar for doing so! We've also visited a Jain temple, visited with Muslim clerics at a Mosque, and attended worship at several Christian churches.
After five days in Bangalore and five in Mangalore, we are now in Chennai (Madras) on the SE coast. Yesterday we visited a hospital and center for children with Polio, both run by the Church of South India (CSI). They do great work, offerring free and reduced-cost medical care to thousands of rural Indians. Today (Sunday) our group split up and worshipped at three different CSI churches here in Chennai, and two of the students in our group, Dorette and Wendy, preached.
Late last night while on a walk I came across the American Consulate, about a block away from the CSI headquarters where we are staying. Two soldiers from the Indian Army, replete with fatigues and large M-16 rifles, stopped me and asked sternly if I was American. I wondered if I was in trouble, if I had missed a curfew or something I didn't know about. A third guard was coming over holding his rifle in his hands. I suspected that I'd have to produce my passport and go through some questioned. The guard, a young Indian with a dead serious expression then slung his rifle over his shoulder and asked, "Do you know Steven Spielberg?" I had to stifle a laugh, replying "uh, the movie directo? Yes I do... why do you ask?" The guard answered, "I want to e-mail him as I am a big fan, do you think he will reply?" I bobbled my head a bit (a mannerism we've picked up here from the locals) and told him that I didn't know if he would reply, but it was at least worth a shot! He then proceeded to tell me all about his favorite Spielberg movies... "E.T., The Extraterrestrial, Jurassic Park, Skindler's List..."
The people here are truly fascinating.
Some local dudes that Drew, Lorraine and I met at a local Mangalore hangout. They, like many Indians, were fascinated with us, and insisted on buying our beers!


At 4:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steven Spielburg huh? That made me laugh! Can you bring one of those yummy looking coconut things back for me? It is so great to see some pics honey, you look like you are having fun and finding lots of good things to drink! Miss you!

At 6:19 PM , Blogger Vicki said...

We cherish each bit of news coming from your marvelous adventure! Thanks for keeping us posted. We ate at the East Indian restaurant today and remembered you with a toast! Safe travels! We look forward to your return, but savor each moment you have. Don't mess with anyone's monkeys...

At 3:41 AM , Blogger matt'streehouse said...

Hi Stephen, if this blog is anything like what will happen in Africa this summer, count me the hell IN, baby. Seriously, just wanted to say that yes, I really want to travel with you, but I owe you a top ten to tell you the specs... like, money. Hmmm. Perhaps the sisters of Perpetual Indulgence have a space in their "cloister?" Hmmmm? Be well, see you next post.


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